Thursday, January 17, 2013

To be, or not to be...

Name that quote!  Shakespeare, right?  Right.
Well, this post's goal is to have you write a bestselling phrase that readers will think of long after they've closed the back cover.  I've put it in steps for you.  Enjoy:

1. Take inventory of your purpose.  Are you calling a reader to action?  Are you trying to tug at their heartstrings as the woman lays dying?  Or are you cracking a funny joke that you want readers to reuse?  Consider the impact your quote will have on your audience, and build around that.

2. Take a look at the possible people who could be speaking.  Let's say your example contains a woman and a man.  Which would have a greater impact on your audience if they were to use the line?  Context matters a great deal for Step 2 so you'll have to think of that on your own.

3. Use strong words that are easily remembered.  For instance, in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (the movie), Sam says, "There is some good left in this world and it's worth fighting for."
Those are strong words, right?  But they're simple enough to remember.

4. Sign your name with the quote and when you become famous people will start remembering it even more.  Really. 

Have fun creating your own one-liners and then using them around your friends.
May your pens stay sharp!

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