Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Pintresolution

Don't you just love Pinterest?  I am constantly scouring boards for pins in the name of 'inspiration', when really, I'm just procrastinating because I'm afraid to write the second page of my book.  I recently found this pin on my quest.

Isn't that inspirational?  Don't be afraid to write just because it isn't your best work.  Not every page has to be a masterpiece.  Relax!  And write!

And a shameless plug for my own board, Be awesome!  Be a book nut! from Dr. Seuss's quote which you can find here.

New Years Resolution: NaNoWriMo.  Thoughts?

May your pens stay sharp!
P.S. What do you think of the blog's new look?  I'm trying to stay up-to-date and keep it looking sharp.