Wednesday, September 24, 2014

National Novel Writing Month!

National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us!

Yes, it's a whole October away but preparation for such an endeavor starts now.  Will you be participating?  This will be my first year to join nearly 700,000 writers who participated last year.

I'm so excited!

I've been planning everything I'll need.  It's good to start early, right?  Right?

Other than my laptop/notebook and pen and imagination, I think I'll need the following:

Write-A-Thon by Rochelle Melander
Shut up and Write! by Judy Bridges
Coffee (caffeinated, of course)
Poems and quotes that spark the imagination (mostly on my Pinterest boards which you can find here or here.)
M&Ms and NERDS
My neato-guido NaNoWriMo tumbler you can find here.
My awesome support group of writer friends

Can you think of anything else I'll need?  Let me know in the comments!
May your pens stay sharp!