Friday, December 28, 2012


As you know, most of my posts come from what I've been learning. As a student, I am blessed to have resources many do not have such as English teachers to pepper with questions and a library readily available. One of the classes I am taking, Literary Analysis 1, has been teaching me things about writing I couldn't have imagined. Like most classes, what is taught is often not the most important part. The most important part is the conclusion you come up with after thinking about the lesson you received. Meditating on a topic and delving into its secrets is something that will teach you better than any hour spent in class.
One of the topics my class has been discussing is the practice of annotation.  Google defines 'annotate' as ' to add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment'.  I might do another post on how to annotate but today, I simply want to give you examples of how annotating has affected the way I read stories and the way I write them.
Annotation forces you to actively think as you read, often requiring you to highlight or underline specific passages.  Rather than switching off 'thinking mode', you have to switch on 'active reader'.  This carries over into stories you don't have to annotate and would normally skim through.  I have realized that I have become a more involved reader because of my developing annotation skills.  Annotation is a great skill for a writer to develop because by dissecting great authors' stories you learn what makes a good story tick.  You then take that knowledge and apply it to your own writing.  Give annotating a try and let me know what you think in the comments!
May your pens stay sharp!

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