Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wolves: Chapter 10

The eyes appeared before I was even halfway finished with the portal. The wolves were the only ones not affected by the Nolus’ poison and their eyes glowed eerily in the mist and shadow that permeated every rock and leaf of the trees. The girls were immediately on their feet, shielding the youngers and mothers. Annette drew her knife with venom in her normally gentle eyes.
“They will not hurt us,” I said softly, the sound carrying in the wind the portal created. “They are here to protect us.”
“Protect us?” Annette spat. “Like they did a week ago when they nearly tore our bodies limb from limb?”
“Lower your voice,” I commanded quietly, fear rippling through my voice. It was too late. Murmurs swept through our small tribe and for an instant I could see the voices drifting high before they disappeared. The masks would find us if I didn’t get the portal open in time. I could already see torches on the horizon.
Girls started crying. I felt like crying myself but managed to swallow the lump in my throat, blink back terrified tears, and continue pouring every ounce of energy I had into the magic rushing from my body. Cara clung to her baby and wept, certain we were doomed.
The wolves emerged slowly, giving me sideways glances as they formed a slow circle around my girls. They huddled together, pleading with their eyes that I hurry.
I worked as fast as I could, trying not to think about the approaching danger. My energy was waning but I gauged that I had enough left to finish the portal. I had to get them to the other side and close the portal before the masks could follow us through, but there was no time for allotting energy. I had to give it my all.

Letting loose a painfully guttural scream, I completed the circle and the portal opened with a deafening blast of air. The wolves howled as the girls poured through the energy opening and their howls carried far enough to extinguish the masks’ torch flames. I made sure every last girl was through before turning to exchange a thankful nod with the wolves and followed my sisters into the portal.

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